You're Invited!
Harvesting Hope is right around the corner! When we first began hosting our annual fundraising dinner five years ago, we could have never imagined what it would grow into. This event is truly an opportunity for FYI to display all the many blessings we have received and have been able to bestow on our community. We have been so fortunate to expand our services over the last several years to continue to meet the ever-growing needs of our community.
This year's event theme is "The cost of doing nothing!" FYI’s mission is to empower families and provide hope. Every day families and children are suffering from traumas caused by generational cycles of abuse and poverty. FYI’s solution is to rescue and protect those families and children to prevent future trauma by redirecting their paths through education, training, and support in our multiple programs. FYI will emphasize the importance of working together as a collective, collaborative community.
Life is filled with choices. Individually, we are faced with an average of more than 30,000 choices each day. Some choices are minor and unassuming that we might not even realize we are making them. Sometimes it might not feel like we truly have a choice because of the potential consequences. Sure, hitting “snooze” on our alarm sounds lovely. However, being late to work doesn’t sound as nice, so we opt to get moving. Avoiding making a decision or taking action is a still a choice.
FYI’s Executive Director, Nikki Stefanow, recently wrote to our Life Changers (a group of dedicated FYI supporters who have made the commitment to provide a recurring monthly donation) about the dangers of complacency. What is complacency? Why is it so dangerous? It is defined as self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. More or less, it is moving through life with blinders towards the struggles of others. For many, complacency is an unintentional choice. The cost of complacency, “the cost of doing nothing” is much greater than many realize.
During our event, FYI will highlight the community impact of the choice of complacency and doing nothing. We invite you to join us for an evening of first-hand testimonials, discussions on the bystander effect, and the cost on society by moving with community complacency. We promise an opportunity for true self-reflection and tangible ways that you can make the choice to do something. Not everyone can do everything but everyone has the ability to invest in the potential of others.
Event Details:
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Mix & Mingle - 5:30 pm
Program - 6:00 pm
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
1801 St. Paris Pike, Springfield, OH