Considering the challenges of social distancing and other recent pandemic-induced stresses, FYI thought it would be a great blessing to celebrate the family leaders who are managing to hold everything together. Hence the creation of FYI’s initial Parents’ Day Celebration, set for Father’s Day on June 21.
The idea sprung out of this thought: Since the pandemic threw a wrench into our scheduled annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale, why don’t we reboot the sale to include deserving fathers? We just didn’t like the thought that many of our mothers may not have been honored the way they deserved last month. With many churches reopening, we will again be offering the single wrapped and decorated roses for $3 as part of the Parents’ Day Celebration so churches can still honor their deserving moms. We’re also offering some affordable options for men’s gifts, most at $3 each or less.
The beautiful roses and men’s gifts would be delivered Friday, June 19, just prior to Father’s Day. We simply desire to serve local congregations in a Godly way by honoring the parents who are winning major relational victories within their homes.
We feel these challenging times have made our society better appreciate the importance of family, so what better time to celebrate parents? Also, what better non-profit to start a family-honoring initiative than Family & Youth Initiatives?
For more information on this initiative and/or to arrange for your church to participate, call us at (937) 845-0403 or email by Monday, June 15.