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Missed it? Here's a Harvesting Hope Recap!

FYI’s Harvesting Hope hybrid event Oct. 15 was a smashing success on all levels, with the biggest winners being the kids and young families who are and will be rescued through our mission.

So far, with your prayerful and heartfelt help, FYI has raised a new record of $20,000 through this event. However, we consider that secondary to what we know is the most impactful blessing: gaining more supporters of FYI.  We have been blessed to witness how God is adding daily to FYI’s family.

“God has been amazing,” said Nikki. “I cried all weekend about the responses we got. On the bottom of the response card, someone wrote ‘I have a story.’ I can’t wait to hear that story.”

More than 100 champions attend the in-person event with  65 of them checking out FYI for the first time. Several others tuned in via the virtual video event that was offered at the same time.

“People said, ‘I’ve never heard about your organization before and here it is in our backyard,’ ” Stefanow said. “The money is secondary. Having so many people who had never heard about us before that night was amazing. You can’t outdo God.”

Another blessing of the hybrid event is that the virtual event’s 21-minute video can be shared with supporters throughout the year. We would like to ask everyone who support’s FYI’s mission to share the video on their Facebook page and/or email it to people you think may be interested in learning about FYI and whose heart might be open to joining us for this fight for the most vulnerable of our communities.

Here is the link to the video (or you can find it on FYI’s Facebook page):

FYI is also still accepting donations to raise funds for its important mission. 

“Our goal was $25,000, but somehow God is telling me it will be $50,000,” Nikki said. “Maybe it won’t come like we think, but I believe God is going to provide everything that we need and even more than we can hope, dream or imagine.”

Donations can be made through mail or on our Web site at

If God is impressing you to make a deeper investment as an FYI champion or if you have any other questions, please feel free to call us at (937) 845-0403 Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or email us at

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