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Join Our Christmas in July Toy Drive


FYI is already thinking ahead to Christmas. Due to COVID-19 and the current economic situation, we are wanting to be ready to assist those who might need help spreading the Christmas spirit in their families at the end of the year.

Truck N4 Tykes and FYI are partnering for a first-ever Christmas in July Toy Drive on Sat., July 18, starting at 11 a.m. at Rural King in Springfield and heading to Tecumseh High School at noon where the toys and donations will be collected.

“We at FYI have seen the destruction of their financial situations because of this pandemic, and it might be even worse by Christmastime,” said FYI co-Executive Director Pat Banaszak. “We live in a part of Clark County where many families are struggling. We know we are going to see at least double the number of families from last year coming to us needing help with gifts for their children. The children are struggling through all of this, too.”

Any vehicle is allowed to participate in the toy drive convoy. Each vehicle is asked to bring at least one gift suitable for a child ages 0-17 ($25 or under please) or a $25 cash donation. Multiple gifts are welcome.

At Tecumseh High School, the drivers will give their gifts to FYI and Truck N4 Tykes trucking club representatives, who will store the gifts until they are distributed at FYI’s annual Grinch For Good Christmas party Dec. 12 at New Carlisle Elementary School. Truck N4 Tykes did its first toy drive for FYI last fall and collected over 300 toys for local children. This will be the fourth year for THE GRINCH Hope For The Holidays Project. 

 “When we heard how many children were in need in our community, we knew we needed to help,” said Stephanie Bailey, who along with husband Cody were co-chairmen of the first toy drive. “So last November we jumped into action with our first annual toy run. This year many more will have an even greater need. We want to provide a Grinch for Good Christmas for all who need that little extra help.  We hope everyone will help us get a good start this summer and enjoy a ‘Christmas in July’ moment, that many jump in and join the convoy and enjoy the holiday spirit a little early.”

For more information or questions, or to let us know you will be a part of the convoy, call FYI at (937) 845-0403 or email

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